This signal should be emitted when the widget's visible child is changed.
Emits HdySwipeable::child-switched signal. This should be called when the widget switches visible child widget.
Gets the progress @self will snap back to after the gesture is canceled.
Gets the swipe distance of @self. This corresponds to how many pixels 1 unit represents.
Gets the current progress of @self
Gets the snap points of @self. Each snap point represents a progress value that is considered acceptable to end the swipe on.
Gets the area @self can start a swipe from for the given direction and gesture type. This can be used to restrict swipes to only be possible from a certain area, for example, to only allow edge swipes, or to have a draggable element and ignore swipes elsewhere.
Gets the #HdySwipeTracker used by this swipeable widget.
Get the main Gtk struct
See HdySwipeable::child-switched.