Sets our main struct and passes it to the parent class.
Create a new #HdyCarousel widget.
This signal is emitted after a page has been changed. This can be used to implement "infinite scrolling" by connecting to this signal and amending the pages.
Sets whether @self can be dragged with mouse pointer
Gets animation duration used by hdy_carousel_scroll_to().
Get the main Gtk struct
Gets whether @self can be navigated.
Gets the number of pages in @self.
Gets current scroll position in @self. It's unitless, 1 matches 1 page.
Gets duration of the animation used when adding or removing pages in milliseconds.
Gets spacing between pages in pixels.
the main Gtk struct as a void*
Inserts @child into @self at position @position.
Prepends @child to @self
Moves @child into position @position.
Scrolls to @widget position with an animation. #HdyCarousel:animation-duration property can be used for controlling the duration.
Scrolls to @widget position with an animation.
Sets whether @self can be dragged with mouse pointer. If @allow_mouse_drag is %FALSE, dragging is only available on touch.
Sets animation duration used by hdy_carousel_scroll_to().
Sets whether @self can be navigated. This can be used to temporarily disable a #HdyCarousel to only allow swiping in a certain state.
Sets duration of the animation used when adding or removing pages in milliseconds.
Sets spacing between pages in pixels.
the main Gtk struct
Get the main Gtk struct
the main Gtk struct as a void*
Emits HdySwipeable::child-switched signal. This should be called when the widget switches visible child widget.
Gets the progress @self will snap back to after the gesture is canceled.
Gets the swipe distance of @self. This corresponds to how many pixels 1 unit represents.
Gets the current progress of @self
Gets the snap points of @self. Each snap point represents a progress value that is considered acceptable to end the swipe on.
Gets the area @self can start a swipe from for the given direction and gesture type. This can be used to restrict swipes to only be possible from a certain area, for example, to only allow edge swipes, or to have a draggable element and ignore swipes elsewhere.
Gets the #HdySwipeTracker used by this swipeable widget.
See HdySwipeable::child-switched.
This signal should be emitted when the widget's visible child is changed.